

  • 트위터
  • 인스타그램1604
  • 유튜브20240110


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청와대이어 백악관도 표절논란-멜라니의 BE BEST 브로슈어/ 싱크로율 100%?


Melania Trump Designed the Logo for Her “Be Best” Initiative
As if things weren’t bad enough, the new logo for Melania Trump’s initiative was reportedly designed by the FLOTUS herself.

The logo for “Be Best” allegedly designed by Melania Trump herself (image courtesy the White House)

Graphic designers the world over probably groaned at the news that First Lady of the United States Melania Trump designed the logo for her new “Be Best” initiative, which New York Times journalist Julie Davis reports came about because the First Lady likes “clean lines” and “wanted something that would appeal to children.”

The “new” Be Best brochure, left, and the FTC brochure from 2014, right, are very much alike (all images courtesy the White House)

The logo is part of a campaign aimed at “encouraging children to BE BEST in their individual paths, while also teaching them the importance of social, emotional, and physical health.” Cue eye roll. Many people find it hard to imagine the FLOTUS spearheading a campaign about emotional and social health when her partner, the President of the United States, regularly disparages and humiliates people, while constantly lying about issues both major and minor (CNN recently reported that Donald Trump had lied more than 3,000 times in 466 days).

Let’s remember that FLOTUS has an originality problem, so it seems only fitting that the Be Best pamphlet is an almost exact copy of a document published by the Federal Trade Commission in January 2014 — h/t @RMac18. Of course, this isn’t the first time she’s cribbed from the Obama administration, or event the second. Perhaps we’ll soon discover that she copied this logo, too.

Everyone is an artist and designer nowadays, whether we like it or not, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that Melania Trump has thrown her hat into the ring.

Tell us what you think about the FLOTUS’s Be Best logo.

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