THEO는 김현민, 조인순 2명의 대표가 이끄는 Modern & Contemporary art를 다루는 갤러리입니다. 디렉터들은 각 뉴욕과 런던에서 미술 시장 경력을 쌓았고, 갤러리는 2020년 서울에 설립되었습니다. THEO는 떠오르는 신예 아티스트들과 동시대 가장 영향력 있는 아티스트들을 소개하는 데 집중하고 있으며, 동시에 미술사에 위대한 발자취를 남길 예술가들과 함께 세계적인 예술 담론을 이끌기를 기원합니다.
THEO is a contemporary art gallery owned and directed by Hyunmin KIM & Insoon CHO. The directors built their art market careers in New York and London. The gallery is established in Seoul, Korea in 2020. THEO is focusing on presenting emerging artists & some of the most influential artists of nowadays.THEO is at the forefront of the artistic database platform with innovative Mobile Application, Artter[Art Noliter]. Also, THEO is trying to produce digital tools, such as mobile applications including artistic mobile game, for artists. The applications are renowned as a successful case to promote an Artist in Korea. THEO wants to lead a global artistic discourse with living artists who will leave a magnificent mark in art history.