90년대의 정원화랑이 2006년 4월 12일 갤러리화인으로 다시 문을 열었습니다. 참신하고 의미있는 기획전을 중심으로 부산 미술문화의 활발한 교류의 장이 될 수 있도록 기회를 제공하고자 합니다. 특히 힘들게 작업하시는 작가분들께는 희망이 되는 화랑이 될 것입니다. 달맞이 언덕, 그곳에 자리한 갤러리 화인에 오셔서 항상 새로운 감동의 전시를 만나십시요.
갤러리화인 관장 정인화
The Fine Gallery reopened with its new name on April 12th in 2006 (in the 1990s, it was known as the Jung Won Gallery). We offer an ideal environment to artists who especially need support to grow and establish their status in the field. By promoting artists in this way, the Fine Gallery acts as a platform for artistic dialogue and invites the public toengage with what we feel are some of the most significant issues in the rapidly growing art world. We hope to be a seminal part of the hub of Busan’s cultural district, with specially planned exhibitions that are both meaningful and novel. The gallery is ideally located in Haeundae,Dalmajigil Road (Street of Culture, like Montmartre in Paris). We always welcome visitors with dynamic and innovative artworks created by some of the most provocative contemporary artists!
Gallery director, In hwa Jeong