

  • 트위터
  • 인스타그램1604
  • 유튜브20240110


인쇄 스크랩 URL 트위터 페이스북 목록

유현경 : 가난한 사람

  • 상세정보
  • 전시평론
  • 평점·리뷰
  • 관련행사
  • 전시뷰어

이길이구 갤러리는 2023년 6월 17일부터 7월 8일까지 베를린을 기반으로 활동하고 있는 유현경 작가의 개인전 <가난한 사람>을 개최한다. 이번 전시에서는 유현경 작가가 베를린에서 한국에서 작업한 신작들로 총 50여 점을 선보일 예정이다. 추상과 구상을 넘나드는 구성으로, 작가 특유의 조형 언어로 빚어진 작품들을 만나볼 수 있다. 전시 명 <가난한 사람>은 자아와 맞서서 자기 자신과 싸워가는 사람, 독립적으로 자유의지를 가지고 자신만의 주제를 찾아가는 사람을 말한다. 곤궁과는 완전히 다르다고 볼 수 있다. 즉 시류와 타협 없이 스스로 선택한 길을 묵묵히 가는 이들을 일컫는다.

사람들이 유현경의 그림에 가장 많이 하는 질문, 언제 끝을 결정하고 언제 붓을 놓는지와 연관되며 실제 그것은 가장 중요한 일로 무엇을 그리는 지는 부차적인 것이 된다. 독립적인 개인은 종종 궤변론자가 되어 집단의 렌즈에서 벗어나므로 경쟁력을 상실하기도 한다. 때문에 유현경 자신은 그림에 실패했었다 라고도 자신 있게 말한다. 그것이 바로 유현경이란 작가를 말하는 것이다. 작가는 작품에서 보이는 표현들을 감정에 휘둘리지 않고 솔직한 필법으로 캔버스에 옮겨내고 있다. 작가에게 어떤 대상을 그리거나 인물을 그리는 것은 중요치 않다. 그 대상이나 인물에서 나타나는 특수성, 그 삶 속에 진솔하게 들어가 더 내밀한 부분의 이야기를 전하고자 한다. 그래서 그 대상의 묘사가 거의 생략되어 추상화처럼 보여진다. 그렇다고 완성되지 않은 것이 아니다. 작가는 누구보다 깊고 치밀하게 대상을 관찰하고 감각하며 작품에 임한다. 눈에 보이지 않지만 느껴지는 감각들을 한순간 빠르게 포착하고 붓질로서 기록하여 직감적이고 생동감이 넘치는 작품이 탄생되는 것이다. 하지만 대중과 점점 멀어져 감을 작품 속으로 깊게 들어갈수록 체감한다고 한다. 그 독립적 개인은 때로는 자신도 모르게 구조를 만들고 그 구조는 그를 옥죈다. 그는 그 구조로부터 멀어질 준비를 하며 다시 독립적인 개인이 되려 하기에 그때까지는 그 극단과 구조를 끌고 갈 수 있다. 그가 감당할 수 있는 끝까지 간 후 다시 가볍게 될 것이고 사람들은 그가 그 구조를 떠나 홀로 남았을 때 무너졌다고 할 것이지만 그 자신은 그 구조의 무거움에서 벗어난 자유를 만끽하는 기꺼이 가난한 사람으로 남고 싶어 한다. 그것이 유현경이란 작가가 말하는 가난한 사람이다. 

이번 전시에서 유현경 작가의 작품들은 기존의 작품들보다 더욱 솔직하고 거침없으며 견고한 구성력으로 화면을 채우는 회화 작품들로 이루어진다. 대범하면서도 섬세한 그의 작품들에서 그의 오랜 고민과 신념, 그리고 숙련된 조형적 시도가 겸비된 것을 볼 수 있다. 그는 이번 작업들을 통해 삶에 대한 통찰과 그것에 대한 감각적 확장 그리고 새로운 인식의 세계를 경험하게 할 것이다. 우리들의 삶은 항상 불안의 연속이라고 해도 과언이 아니다. 그 불란 속에서 모든 것을 비판하고 타협하지 않는다는 그 사실 하나만으로도 작업이 된다고 믿는 유현경 작가는 무언가를 그린다는 것보다는 어떤 태도로 대응할 것인지가 중요한 시간이 된다고 작가는 말한다. 수많은 대상과의 관계 속에서 그만의 새로운 방식으로 접점을 만들어내는 유현경 작가의 깊은 예술 세계를 이번 전시에서 경험하기를 바란다.

2GIL29 Gallery is opening a solo exhibition from June 17th to July 8th titled <Les Pauvres Gens> by Hyeonkyeong You, who is currently based in Berlin. The exhibition will present about 50 new works created by the artist in Korean and Berlin. With a composition that transcends abstract and figurative paintings, viewers can experience works created with the artist’s unique formative language. The title <Les Pauvres Gens>, refers to individuals who confront themselves, struggle with their own egos, and seek their own subjects with independent willpower. It is a completely different interpretation from poverty, which refers to those who silently tread their chosen path without following the trend or compromising along the journey.

The most common question people ask about Hyeonkyeong You’s paintings is about when she decides to finish and when she puts down the brush, which is the most important matter in reality. The actual act of painting becomes less important. Independent individuals often become sophists, distancing themselves from the lens of the collective and sometimes losing competitiveness. That’s why Hyeonkyoung You confidently states that she has failed in her paintings. That is what defines the artist Hyeonkyeong You. She transfers the expressions seen in her works to the canvas with an honest brushstroke, without being swayed by emotions. It is not important for the artist to paint a specific subject or figure. She seeks to convey the deeper stories within the uniqueness found in those subjects and figures, sincerely delving into their stories. As a result, the depiction of the subject is mostly omitted that it appears to be an abstract, but it doesn’t imply it’s unfinished. The artist immerses herself in the subject matter with unparalleled depth and meticulousness, infusing her artwork with a profound sense of observation and sensitivity. She captures the intangible sensations and meticulously translates them onto the canvas with an instinctive and dynamic brushwork. However, she confesses that the deeper she delves into her artistic journey, the more distant she feels from the audiences. That independent individual unknowingly constructs structures, which eventually confine her. Yet, she prepares herself to detach from those structures, striving to regain her independence. Until that point, she carries the weight of extremity and structure. Once she reaches her limit, she will become light again. While others may say she collapsed when she separated herself from the structure, she willingly wants to remain as a poor person, savoring the freedom beyond the weight of that structure. That is what the artist Hyeonkyeong You refers to as ‘Les Pauvres Gens’.

In this Exhibition, Hyeonkyeong You’s works consist of paintings that exhibit a heightened level of honesty, fearlessness, and robust compositional strength compared to her previous works. Within her ambitious yet delicate pieces, one can discern her extensive contemplation, unwavering conviction, and masterful sculptural experiments. Through these works, she aims to provide insights into life, expand the boundaries of sensory perception, and unravel new dimensions of consciousness. It’s an understatement to say that our lives are constantly filled with uncertainty. According to the artist, the essence lies not in merely depicting something but in adopting a certain attitude, one that refuses to criticize and compromise everything amidst the chaos. This exhibition provides an opportunity to immerse ourselves in Hyeonkyeong You’s profound artistic world, where she deftly forges unique connections with a multitude of subjects, unveiling a rich and captivating artistic experience.

하단 정보


03015 서울 종로구 홍지문1길 4 (홍지동44) 김달진미술연구소 T +82.2.730.6214 F +82.2.730.9218