

  • 트위터
  • 인스타그램1604
  • 유튜브20240110


인쇄 스크랩 URL 트위터 페이스북 목록

제 17회 아르테 라구나 국제 예술상 공모전

  • 분야상세회화일반, 한국화, 조각, 일러스트, 미디어아트, 무대미술, 애니메이션, 시각디자인, 제품디자인, 환경디자인, 영상멀티미디어디자인, 섬유텍스타일디자인, 도자공예, 금속공예, 섬유공예, 한지공예, 유화, 영상, 사진, 건축
  • 접수일정2022-10-05 - 2022-10-31
  • 공표일2022-10-05
  • 주최Arte Laguna S.r.l.
  • 주관Arte Laguna S.r.l.
  • 문의처+39 0415937242 / Costanza De Donno / @
  • 홈페이지https://artelagunaprize.com/17-edition-applications/
Applications are open for Arte Laguna Prize 17!

Arte Laguna Prize is the international competition, with international jurors, dedicated to visual arts and design that gives artists the opportunity to join a large network of collaborations, get free visibility and sell their works on the online platform artelaguna.world, win a cash prize of € 10,000, exhibit in Venice (Italy) at the Arsenale Nord.

The Prize is open to the following artistic disciplines:
painting, sculpture and installation, photographic art, video art and short films, performance, digital art, digital graphics and cartoon, environmental and land art, urban art and street art, art design.

The jury is composed of important curators and directors of museums operating in different countries. The jury selects the 120 artists that will exhibit at the Arsenale Nord in Venice.

Each year Arte Laguna Prize collaborates with high-level international partners to offer artists opportunities around the world. Each partner will choose an artist for the following special prizes:
- Art Residencies
- Art Galleries
- Business for Art
- Festivals and Exhibitions
- Sustainability and Art Prize
- Emerging Artists Award

Applications have no restrictions; they are open to all artists. 
The deadline is October 31st, 2022. Please apply directly from the official website.

Tel +39 0415937242

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03015 서울 종로구 홍지문1길 4 (홍지동44) 김달진미술연구소 T +82.2.730.6214 F +82.2.730.9218