스텝 드리센 회화전
갤러리바톤은 스텝 드리센 (Stef Driesen, b. 1966, Belgium)의 개인전을 3월 11일부터 4월 12일까지 개최한다.
2012년 갤러리바톤에서 열렸던 Belgium Contemporay Now(그룹전)을 통해 전과 확연히 구별되는 추상 회화를 처음 선보였던 작가는 이번 전시에서 보다 자유분방하고 과감하며, 주관적 조형 의지에 대한 작가의 이론적인 토대가 확고히 반영된 신작들을 소개한다.
1966 Born in Hasslet, Belgium
Lives in Antwerp, Belgium
2016 Stef Driesen, Gallery Baton, Seoul, Korea
2015 Galerie Greta Meert, Brussels, Belgium
M HKA INBOX, Antwerpen, Belgium
2014 G262 Sofie Van de Velde, Antwerpen
2013 MARC FOXX, Los Angeles, USA
2010 Hoet Bekaert, Knokke, Belgium
2008 Harris Lieberman, New York, USA
MARC FOXX, Los Angeles, USA
2007 Stef Driesen - Rock Face - The Breeder, Athens, Greece
2006 Stef Driesen - Alison Jacques Gallery, London, Great Britain
Stef Driesen : Scar Lines - Harris Lieberman, New York City, NY, USA
2013 Friedman Benda, NY, USA
Galeria Fortes Vilaça
E-motion, Foundation Maeght, Saint-Paul-de-Vence, France
2012 Harris Lieberman, New York, USA
2011 Belgium Contemporary Now, Gallery Baton, Seoul, Korea
Creating the New Century, The Dicke Collection, Dayton Art Institute, Dayton, OH, USA
Opening New Space, Galerie Tatjana Pieters, Gent, Belgium
2010 Public Private Paintings. 2000-2010: 10 jaar schilderkunst uit publieke en privécollecties in
Vlaanderen en Brussel, Kunstmuseum Aan Zee, Oostende, Belgium
Summer Teeth, The Breeder, Athens, Greece
Redefining Landscape, Stephanie Simoens Contemporary Fine Art, Knokke-Zoute, Belgium
2009 Redeining Landscape - Stephane Simoens Contemporary Fine Art, Knokke-Zoute
One loses one's cllassics - White Flag Projects, Saint Louis, MO, USA
2008 Stef Driesen | Tommy White: Sculpture - Harris Lieberman, New York City, NY, USA
Future Tense: Reshaping the Landscape - Neuberger Museum of Art, Purchase, NY, USA
2007 Out of Art - Kunsthaus CentrePasquArt - Centre d'Art, Biel/Bienne, Switzerland
Pushing the canvas - Cultuurcentrum Mechelen, Mechelen, Belgium
Final exhibition at 4 Clifford Street - Alison Jacques Gallery, London, Great Britain
2006 People - Museo D'Arte Contemporanea Donna Regina - MADRE, Naples, Italy
2005 The Third Peak - Art : Concept, Paris, France