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  • 인스타그램1604
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월간 서울아트가이드는

지난 1996년 3·4월 격월간 <미술관·화랑전시회가이드>로 출발하여 월간 <서울전시회가이드>로 바뀌어 2001년 12월호 40호로 마감했습니다. 새로 김달진미술연구소에서 정기간행물로 등록을 해서 2002년 1월부터 서울아트가이드로 창간했습니다.

서울아트가이드는 미술관·화랑 전시회 일정, 전시장 위치와 주소, 전화, 홈페이지를 알 수 있으며 작가와 대중을 연결하는 휴대용 매체입니다. 이 서울아트가이드는 현재 월간 발행부수 1만 5천 부가 모자라도록 미술인, 일반인에게 큰 호응을 얻고 있습니다.

서울아트가이드에는 단순 전시정보를 탈피해 읽을 거리가 많습니다

서울아트카이드 목차보기

Kimdaljin Art Research and Consulting

Seoul Art Guide

Since its formal opening in December 2001, Kim Daljin Art Research and Consulting has been playing the pivotal role as an informant archive by systematically collecting and researching in the local art information. Seoul Art Guide, First published in January 2002, it has become the most representative source of information providing the latest news on local and international art exhibitions. The centre is also actively spreading and distributing its information through various social networking sites including Twitter and Facebook.

The Art Portal, www.daljin.com

Daljin.Com is a more comprehensive website version of Seoul Art Guide, and first launched its site in September 2002. Currently as the biggest art website, it is building up an information database of contemporary art, and the contents of the whole website are literally an online art archive providing diverse information on art conveniently through a search engine.
The site contains the latest art news, the buzz of the local art scene, information on exhibitions and exhibition spaces, art competitions, newly arrived publications, columns by renowned writers, a compilation of more than 5,000 artists, and the contents of major art magazines. In June 2012, this site was revamped on an extensive scale.

하단 정보


03015 서울 종로구 홍지문1길 4 (홍지동44) 김달진미술연구소 T +82.2.730.6214 F +82.2.730.9218